When Yivali held death in her talons, she feared delivering such terrible warning without also hope. Included in her annotations was research into what the world might become if each gods death were to occur, and thus what contingencies could be made.
Godsrain Contingencies updated weekly after each prophecy revelation on the Paizo Blog, focusing on player options in a world where that god fell.
- The Return to Service ritual to find a new faith, and thirty two new god transition with unique tasks and rewards. Including all those who rose from the Starstone, or did they?
- New deity entries for Ihys and the Unbidden Beast
- 4 archetypes – Agnosticator, Contract Overrider, Deliberate Singularity, and God Forsaken Cleric
- Options for Bards, Champions, Clerics, Oracle, and Sorcerers
- 55 feats
- 10 backgrounds
- 10 spells
- 4 items

The Godsrain Chronicles gets you newspapers from all over Golarion covering the fallout from the Godsrain. Our writing rooms plan to cover not only hooks from the Mythic Gazetteer, but the entirety of War of Immortals, Curtain Call, Prey for Death, Divine Mysteries, Triumph of the Tusk, and even more as the rest of the impacts of Gorum’s death play out through Paizo’s release pipeline. Each newspaper will include player options, local articles, flavorful hook ads, and updates on the Avistan Basilisk league which I gave way too much consideration for.
Early issue include:
- Kintargo Courant Lamashan 19 4724 (double), Hero of the Aria Park Interview and The Heroes of Triumph Review (Exemplar and Animist options)
- Kintargo Courant Lamashan 24 4724, Whiterock occupants solved (Animist options)

Now on the Foundry stage, Playing Around! A Classy Curtain Call Companion
Publisher Co-writer: Get ready to captivate your enemies, and your allies, and now your Foundry instance(!) with these whimsical new options for all 23 Pathfinder classes! Inspired by Curtain Call, but still a playful twist for any game.
Featuring your cast of all 25 classes. These 28 pages contain 23 subclasses for all classes except Fighter, Kineticist, and Monk. Other classes with more options include Alchemist, Animist, Bard, Exemplar, Ranger, and Rogue. Includes 52 new feats, 22 Spells, 8 items.

Publisher/Co-writer: Check out Together with Elements Archetypes for a chance for all your not just kineticist characters to play with the power of the elemental planes. Detailing 13 archetypes and 128 feats, spread over 26 chock full pages with options to compliment all types of play styles.
Seven elemental artisans who incorporate unique planar items: the attenuator adept, broncheron, incenseur, morphic armorist, paleontogian, sailsworn ambassador, and viridian digit. Those who make allies of the planar citizenry elemental bonders, elemental callers, and wisp conductors. Draw spells through the elemental blaster, or deliver ammunition and impulses from your kinetic boomstick. Or consider the concordance wardens who maintain the balance of churn of the good of all planes, elemental or otherwise.

Thaumaturges not only know what something is, but more importantly, what it could be. And potential, is the most powerful force of all. Included in my notes are admixtures to enhance common implements.
- 8 new feats, featuring classical metals silver, adamantine, cold iron, and sky metals abysium, djezet, siccitite, inubrix, and noqual.
- Options for all nine implements from The Dark Archives.
- 72 enhancements.

Sometimes when you set forth on an adventure you’ve already had a lifetime of experience, are world weary, and simply know this is what you must do. But for others, they’re on the road to learn. A real frontier education. The Roving Intern Archetype is 14 feats of learning features from your party, aiding them in return, and generally accumulating knowledge.
- Don’t forget the Beverage Runs
- Benefit from a Broad Grasp on topics
- Be shown Like This from your mentors
Comes with Pathbuilder and Foundry Integration.

Where magic is mundane, where mutants roam, where the fey walk among men, the Impossible Lands are a realm ripe with adventure. In this book, you will be able to pick up dozens of new character options to make the perfect character for any adventurer of these mystic worlds, expanding on the stories told in Lost Omens: Impossible Lands!

Publisher/Co-Writer: We are Orc Strong Together. This product is not only about celebrating orcs in honor of the Open RPG Creative License. It is about celebrating what people sticking up for their community, and what working together can accomplish. In that spirit, we eight awesome authors, and two terrific artists, created a product not just about orcs, but the power of community.
It includes player options for Champions, Gunslingers, Oracles, Sorcerers, and Summoners. New items, weapons, tattoos and more.

Publisher/Co-Writer: Orc lumberjacks have abandoned their camps and began to come together and set down roots in Meravon, the lumber capital of Kortos. The efforts to become recognized and supported as an official town district are being met with resistance. Will Kortos lumber industry be led by community, or overtaken by arcane industrialization?
A companion to Orc Strong Together, this is composed of 5 Blocks that take place at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels to supplement an ongoing campaign. Taking place on the Isle of Kortos, it is a great companion to Beginners Box, Troubles in Otari, Extinction Curse, Abomination Vaults, or even Agents of Edgewatch.

For your Pathfinder 2e tables, bring the art of paper folding onto the battlefield. With the Origami Folder Archetype your creations help you manipulate, explore, and tag your enemies. Give your spell casters some one action options, or your frontliners some handy surprises.
Includes 10 feats and 17 new magic items. Each origami entry includes artwork of actual origami creations.

Your Fist of the Ruby Phoenix campaign heads on over to Danger Island, where it is one of thirty-two teams.
What about other other thirty-one?
Includes: four level 12 NPCs, team strategies including fight resolution conditions, nine items, two feats, thirty-six throwing stars.

This Pathfinder 2e archetype is for the player that contracts analysis paralysis when trying to pick from too many items available. For the player who saves items up for just that right moment. Become a Consummate Consumer, and enjoy all the treasures you’ve been collecting. Craft even more, and craft across disciplines.
Consummate Consumer Archetype features 19 feats, including 8 mix feats that allow you to combine different consumable types for startling effects.

People from all over the Impossible Lands gravitate to the Clockwork Clinic, queer boarding house by day, mob doctor by… well, whenever people get shot up.
4 Pages detail the Clockwork Clinic, and 11 new NPCs hailing from across the Impossible Lands, with art and adventure hooks. Each is meant to be a launching point into future supplements with even more material in other regions.

Free to you, but tip if you want!
Co-written by the PF2e Reddit team: Celebrate the holidays with a dose of Golarion winter traditions and references to our own. A nice 1-2 shot perfect for while you’re traveling too.
While Irrisen is no stranger to winter storms and tumultuous weather, the town of Tahm’s Praerie finds their normal Longnight festivities interrupted by corrupted beings of unknown origin. You must venture against the coming storm and the growing darkness to save the people of Tahm’s Praerie from the unspeakable evils of Krampus and his dastardly minions.

Agents of Edgewatch Missing Persons: Wine Merchant expands on the Missing Person’s arc in Chapter Two of Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path: Devil at the Dreaming Palace.
Now your party can investigate the disappearance of Anastatia Corvis: a human Irriseni merchant who came to Absalom to sell ice wine. This could also be run as a side quest separate from Agents of Edgewatch, or provide some additional material for Absalom’s Precipice quarter. Includes six new locations and NPCs.

When the Pathfinder Society refuses membership to Jelica, the angel-blooded human is determined to prove her worth and sets out to experience all that Absalom has to offer. Too bad she is more prone to meddle than observe, and leaves behind a trail of bungled intrigues, lighter purses, and lacy clothes.
Her half-elf sister Lhani has always chased after Jelica, getting caught up in her adventures. While Lhani is content getting a fresh start as a student of the Arcanamirium, Jelica is determined to show her that there’s more magic in living life than can be found between vellum pages.
You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them.